Johnson Matthey's battery materials plant in Poland 'to be powered by renewables'

by Margaret Lau
Konin to be JM's first commercial-scale eLNO production plant. Image: JM
Johnson Matthey (JM) said today its new battery cathode materials plant in Konin, Poland, will be powered solely by electricity from renewable sources "from day one of production”.

JM has signed a contract for Swiss renewables producer and marketer, Axpo, to provide electricity for the company’s first commercial-scale enhanced lithium nickel oxide (eLNO) production plant – which is expected to start commissioning next year and to supply automotive platforms for production in 2024.

Construction of the plant, 200 km west of Warsaw, began in 2020. Production capacity will be 10,000 tonnes of eLNO per year, with a future potential production capacity of up to 100,000 Mtpa.

'Sustainable batteries'

JM’s chief executive for battery materials, Christian Günther, said: "Making battery materials is an energy intensive process. When running at target capacity, our Konin plant will significantly increase JM's overall energy consumption, so it's crucial that we minimise its carbon footprint from the outset to ensure a sustainable battery value chain.”

JM has said previously that building a commercial plant in Poland placed its operations "at the heart of Europe, close to major customers in the battery electric vehicle supply chain”.

Axpo and its partners operate more than 100 power plants, generating electricity for the Swiss power mix from hydropower, biomass and nuclear energy. Abroad, Axpo focuses on wind and solar investments and its portfolio includes wind farms in France, Spain, Italy and Northern Europe.